As a web designer, we know you are looking for the best hosting platform and framework to help your clients. You want reasonable rates, a robust design environment, content editing for your client, and ease of use all around. Well, we think we have something for you!
First, we want you to make money. There is a nominal yearly fee for being a reseller. Then, for every website you set up, all we want is $2.50 / month for standard hosting with our Cykic Sites web builder. And you get to charge your client whatever you want! Simple, straight-forward and profitable.
Secondly, we want this to be as easy as possible for you. We provide you with all the online tools and apps you need to make this a successful business. These include
- Your own starter website to sell web sites. With our builder, you can customize and design it as you want. This site must be used if you want your clients to be able to sign up for web sites themselves. It also provides a "My Account" space for your clients. Already have a web site? Make this a "stripped down" site that simply provides the registration/my account features. Then link to it from your own site.
- The embedded eCommerce admin area lets you set the prices for your web sites. Plus control all things related to eCommerce.
- A Reseller Organizer tool to manage your clients and their web sites, process orders, customize your own site, and much more. This organizer allows you to set up clients here, without their having to go through the web site, if preferred.
- Optional apps / plugins for your clients - eCommerce, eNewsletters, Email - for a minimal monthly fee (our cost). Again you charge what you want.
When you sign up, you will have a chance to review all fees involved before committing yourself!
There is so much we want to tell you about, but your eyes are probably already glazing over. So call or send a message to us via our
Contact Us page. We would love to talk to you about this and help you make a decision on whether or not this would work for you.